
MiniRT is a simple CPU-based raytracer. This was a pair project for 42 and probably one of my favorite projects there.

The program uses the MinilibX graphics library from 42, I am not a fan of this library (no one is), but such were the requirements. The code also needed to be in C and Norminette-friendly, so this really makes any work on this scale really tedious. These are one of the reasons why we decided to stick to the base requirements, even though our viewscope for the project was much larger.

I have always liked graphics (I love 3D modeling) and being able to understand how it works from 0 by literally recreating it was a really amazing experience. I now always see games in a different way XD
Since my view for a Raytracer was never fully realized with this project, my plan is for one day to do a full Raytracer in C++ in the GPU with all the necessary functionalities (transparency, materials, normal maps, etc...) and even add animations or movement to it.

Credits to my partner for the project: Javi Marinel

Github repository
